Saturday, March 22, 2014

Content in All Things.

I can see a park from our kitchen table. It has a yellow slide, yellow monkey bar swings and a little cubby house at the top. There is so much space between where our house ends and the park starts that at times my mind wanders, it wanders to a place where I can see little children leaving our back door and running to the park and returning all hot and sweaty clamoring for something to quench their thirst.

Today I see that park and I know there are no children running out to play or who will come back asking for water. It is days like this that I learn all over again what it means to be content in all situations.

In God’s providence Cam and I are where we are. We do not have children and we desire a family. We have never been told that we can’t have children. This is real. We have started the adoption process. This is real. How God builds families is still a mystery to us. This is real. Currently, the means to our family is different to many others. We may never have the surprising news of a positive test. I may never know what it feels like to have my children grow inside my womb and I may never know the emotion of giving birth and having a child lay on my chest hours after birth. In these things, we grieve a loss but we do not grieve without hope.

We will know what adoption looks like. We will know something about our own adoption by God. We will know what it is like to be parents. We will know what it is like to have our own children. What a mystery!

To date, we have raised $15,244 with only $32,700 to go. I know it sounds a lot but we can hardly believe that we have already raised as much as we have. We know that many of  you have given to us, given to our agency, bought t-shirts and coffee and we are truly grateful for every penny that has come our way.

Where are we in the process? Our dossier is still with our agency. We have been told that it should be sent to Lesotho in the next week or so. Once it arrives in Lesotho it is then submitted to a ‘Matching Meeting’ where we are matched with our children and then we get a referral. It is at this referral when we have to pay our next payment of $24,000. This is what we are working toward now.

On June 14th we will be completing a Both Hands project ( in Franklin, Tennessee. The short of it is that we get a core team together that get sponsors for them to work on a widow’s house for the day. We will be working on Mrs Gumm’s home; painting, washing windows, organizing, landscaping etc etc. We love Mrs Gumm, she and her family is so special to us. We are super excited to be able to help her out like this. If you are local, would you be willing to be a part of our core team? If you are unable to be a part of the core team, please consider still coming out for the day. For those of you are not local, there is still an opportunity to sponsor us as we work this day. Click on to find more info about our project day.

Here is a video from a previous Both Hands project so you can get some idea what it is all about.

We would love all our friends, near or far, to get behind this project.

For some, children will never come in to the home. We know that there is One working in ways that none of us can fully fathom so that we all may know His sufficiency in all things. We do not trust in ourselves but trust in God who works in all things.

Thank you for coming along this journey with us.
Taryn (&Cam)

1 comment:

  1. Taryn,

    I must tell you how great I think your writing is.

    The image you made, of the of the space between the park and your house being the same as the emptiness you have in your heart, is terrific

    Thanks for sharing this adventure,
