Monday, June 30, 2014

So Close to Being Fully Funded...So Close!

Charles Dickens said “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.”

Over the last couple of months, Cam and I have had our fair share of burdens to carry, but we have not carried them alone. One lesson that I continually learn is that I do not need to carry my burdens all by myself. I want to, but I don’t need to and usually, they, quite quickly, turn from being just my burden but rather a shared experience of encouragement with others. Other lives open up and serve as a reminder that some have been where you are and even if they haven’t there are some that are willing to walk alongside you and help carry a specific burden.

Even when the road is hard there are moments of overwhelming joy and gratitude for how far you are one the road. It’s times like these when all you can do is sit down on the side of the road – in silence. Tears begin to fall and make their mark in the dirt. Overwhelmed with gratitude.

On Saturday, June 14, around forty of our friends came together to work on a widow’s house. We had prepared for this day. There were team meetings, lists and letters. Our plan was to work on a widow’s house for the entire day and raise money so that two orphans would no longer be orphans. And what a day it was – simply amazing. If you haven’t watched the video yet, you need to. When I watch it, not only am I reminded of how hard everyone worked, how much fun we had but also that I really, really do have an Australian accent J. Recently, we learned the final total of the funds that came in from all over the United States AND Australia. We raised a total of $14,094.74. Yes! Really - $14,094.74!! And we also learned that we can use $3,000 of that toward one of our matching grants which means the Both Hands project will have raised $17,094.74. Oh man! You see, when the burden is heavy and news like this comes, I sit – in silence – in tears and am overwhelmed by God’s provision for us and two orphans whom we are yet to meet.

Back in October of last year we began the journey of adoption. As we were packing our bags with everything we needed at that time we also slipped the price tag into one of the pockets. A $48,290 price tag. We are not sure when this particular journey will end or how many more hills we need to climb but as we sit down for a bit we can now pull out the price tag and find that as of today it reads $5,000!!!! Now, that is much lighter than what it was in October. Cam and I just look at each other in amazement because so many people have joined us and helped us to raise $44,223 so far!

Our journey continues to humble us and remind us that it is not about us. The story is about the one who has adopted us and makes us His own.

Thanks for reading.

Taryn (& Cam)

Make a donation to our adoption fund here:

Check out our Both Hands video here: