Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Half Way There

Midway, in the middle, hump Wednesday, whatever way you look at it there is no getting around the fact that we have arrived to the half way point on our journey to adoption. I don’t mean that in relation to time. In adoption there is no guessing how long you will be on the road for but I am referring to the raising of all our adoption expenses in order to bring our two little ones into our home. Yes, people, back in October of last year I wrote that we needed $48,000 and there was a big gulp as I was saying it, but as of today we ONLY need $24,000. How did that happened? So many of you have helped us get to mid-journey and we are truly thankful for every little bit and every big bit that has come to us.

If you have been following our FB pages you all know that we recently received a $3,000 matching grant from the Lifesong Legacy 685 fund. This is huge because potentially this means $6,000 toward our fund. Essentially, this means that people can donate through Lifesong: legacy 685 and then that donation will be matched dollar for dollar.

More recently, we received news from one of the many grant applications we sent off that we would be receiving a grant $5,000 from one of them. I may or may not have done a little dance upon hearing that news.

This month also included our massive garage sale which was very successful with help from our friend, Thomas Rickstrew, who managed to get nearly everyone walking out with one, two or ten things in their hand. Everything that was sold had been donated by friends and by strangers.

So, you can see we have been quite busy on the adoption front. Things keep moving and we keep looking at each other wondering how all this is happening. Well, we know who is behind it orchestrating everything, and for that we give thanks to the One who holds everything in His hand.

Last Friday night we had our Kick-Off team meeting for the Both Hands project scheduled for June 14. We had a great night with JT Olsen, the founder of Both Hands. Essentially, our team gets sponsored to work on a widow’s house for a day and all the money raised goes toward our adoption. This is a great fundraising idea and we are in awe of the team that has joined us in this effort. Keep your eyes peeled for more info about this project.

Thanks for journeying with us. Thanks for cheering us on. We are not alone.

Until next time,

Taryn (&Cam)