Tuesday, August 19, 2014


You know it has been far too long since my last update when people are texting me for updates. Sorry for those who have been visiting the blog to only realize that they have read the same thing over and over again.

It has been quite a month or two. While Cam was away in Honduras, I was fortunate enough to get back home to Australia for a fleeting two-week visit. It was amazing, as usual, to spend time with so many special people.  It is always hard to leave a place that feels so much like home but it was made easier this time with my best friend, Bec, returning to the States with me. While she was here we managed to hit New York, Chicago and Wisconsin and, of course, Nashville. It was a special time of travels and talks with a friend who knows me all too well J

The key word for this update on our adoption journey is ‘waiting’. We are simply waiting for the Lesotho government to match us with our two children. The strange thing about this ‘wait’ is that we really have no idea how long this ‘wait’ will be. We know that the wait could be over in months and we also know that a year or years could very well be a possibility. The more I read other stories, the more I am reminded that there is no rhyme or reason to adoption, but I do know it is perfect timing for every family.

I am also thankful that our wait will not be filled with anxieties about funding the adoption. This is really mind-blowing but the fact is that we are only around $2,000-$3,000 short of the $48,000. And this has all happened since October of last year. This actually stuns me sometimes. God just took care of it.
Some of you might remember our Both Hands project fundraiser we completed in June. To date, that fundraiser alone, gave us around $21,000. Yes. $21,000. Stunned. And to think that on the work day we were sitting around $3,000. That simply humbles us and fills us with gratitude.

So, as we wait, we know there is no need to fret and worry because this is far bigger than us and we know the One who is working all things for His good pleasure. So, we wait.

Until next time,
