Thursday, October 23, 2014

Happy 1 Year, Travelers!

The Journey – one year down the road!

This month marks one year of our journey to adopt two little ones from Lesotho. This time last year we had our empty rucksack out, the packing list on the bed and we were crossing things off the list like mad men. The rucksack was bulging with homestudy paperwork, government paperwork, and loads of grant applications…and then we were off, with the rucksack slung over the shoulder (actually, more like “Cam, can you carry this for me?”), a bounce in every step (actually, I probably dropped my bundle a few times) and whistling to the tune of “I will walk 500 miles and I will walk 500 more” (nothing like some Proclaimers to keep you marching). Once we hit the road and off-loaded the right paperwork to the right people the rucksack began to fill with cash…beautiful cash from people all over the world who for some, were gazing from afar, and others were kicking the stones along the road with us.

We kept walking and as different people needed money to make something else happen, we simply opened the rucksack, counted the greenbacks, paid our dues, zipped the bag up and carried on. We carried on.

We carry on. This is a peculiar journey in the fact that we do not know how long we will be on the road for. We do know that this journey has been walked before, by a myriad of people, so we know we are not the only ones. But, we also know that this is a personal journey, a journey that Cam and Taryn Clausing will take – together and will have its very own story at the end. A story, our story that includes so many others.

Sometimes, when I am walking and thinking about everything, the thought pops into my head ‘we don’t even know who we will meet when we get there’. We don’t know if we are going to have two boys, two girls or one of each. There are no faces to push us on…..yet! But – we get up, put our rucksack on because we know that when we get there, it will be just right! We know that two little ones who are orphans will be orphans no more. We know that our Father has set the lonely in families. That, my friends, carries us around every corner, up every hill, down every slope and pushes us right to the end.

Happy 1 year, travelers!
